4 küsimused Vahetase


38 - Additional Circulator Knowledge

See kursusetest sisaldab 4 questions and can be retaken at any time.

Testi läbimiseks ja kursuse lõpetamiseks peate vastama küsimustele õigesti.

Alusta testi

Küsimus 1 of 4 Vahetase

Which is the default control mode in an ALPHA2?

Küsimus 2 of 4 Vahetase

Does the assembly of the ALPHA plug require any tools?

Küsimus 3 of 4 Vahetase

Do you always have to remove the whole pump in a replacement job?

Küsimus 4 of 4 Vahetase

Is it necessary to close the existing pump’s two shut-off valves before replacing it with an ALPHA2?

Küsimus 4 of 4 Vahetase


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Testi tulemused

Palju õnne. Läbisite testi ja lõpetasite kursuse 38 - Additional Circulator Knowledge

Teenitud märgid:

Kuidas hindate seda kursust?

Olete teretulnud lisama oma hinnangu sellele kursusele. Pidage meeles, et hinnangu andmiseks peate enne testi sooritamist sisse logima.

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Vabandust. Te ei läbinud testi 38 - Additional Circulator Knowledge test this time

Kuidas hindate seda kursust?

Olete teretulnud lisama oma hinnangu sellele kursusele. Pidage meeles, et hinnangu andmiseks peate enne testi sooritamist sisse logima.

Q: Which is the default control mode in an ALPHA2?
Q: Does the assembly of the ALPHA plug require any tools?
A: No, the plug is assembled by clicking it into place
Q: Do you always have to remove the whole pump in a replacement job?
A: No, in some cases you only need to replace the pump head
Q: Is it necessary to close the existing pump’s two shut-off valves before replacing it with an ALPHA2?
A: Yes