
Industrial Expo Timor Leste 2016

PT. Grundfos Pompa along with its authorized dealer Paya's Sister Corp Lda, participated in the "Timor Leste Industrial Expo 2016", the event was held from September 28 to 30, and held at the Dili Convention Center.

Industrial Expo East Timor in 2016, is an industry exhibition first held, the event has become very important for the government and private sector, since currently in East Timor, industrial sector is not well developed, this is an opportunity for the industry from other countries to come in and become the first in dominating local market.

It has also become a major concerned by PT. Grundfos Pompa to enter and dominate local pump and water supply solution market in East Timor.

Occupying an area of ​​6 x 3 m, the booth decorated with Grundfos Global Company image, pump display of all segments is also shown, including the new product "Renewable RSI". For three days, the enthusiasm of Dili's business communities and college students visit this exhibition, particularly Grundfos's booth are shown. One thing that quite interesting and make Grundfos team happy was, in the first day, Timor Leste Minister of Industry visited Grundfos's stand and stayed long enough there, he was very interested when getting an explanation about renewable systems from Grundfos from team.