Understanding our groundwater

92 - Understanding our groundwater

Have you wondered about the water under your feet - our groundwater? We have talked to Professor Anders Vest Christiansen of the Department of Geoscience at Aarhus University, to hear more about groundwater - and why we cannot take it for granted.



ecademy.course.modules: 5
ecademy.course.completiontime: 25 ecademy.duration.minutes
ecademy.course.difficulty: ecademy.course.difficulty.basic



Groundwater - What is it and how did it get there?

Starting with a drop of rain hitting the surface of the Earth, water is transported through the ground forming the aquifers that we then exploit for our purposes. Listen to Professor Anders Vest Christiansen explain how groundwater aquifers are created.


Groundwater - Why is it so useful?

As water travels through the different layers in the subsurface it is cleaned in a natural way, and the cleaning effect of the layers in the subsurface depends on the geological conditions. Hear Professor Anders Vest Christiansen talk about why groundwater meets so many of our essential needs.


Groundwater - How do we find it?

Historically, people settled close to available fresh water, as water is essential for all life. Listen to Professor Anders Vest Christiansen discuss the role groundwater has played for human settlement, and the tools and technology used today to find and manage groundwater resources.


Groundwater - Will it always be there?

Over-exploitation of our groundwater resources is a big problem, where much is used for irrigation only to evaporate again. And climate change also affects the availability of groundwater. Hear Professor Anders Vest Christiansen talk about the threats facing groundwater reserves.


Groundwater - What is at risk?

Groundwater is in essence a sustainable resource if managed with care. Sustainable use requires knowledge about the underground and knowledge about the various threats to the groundwater resource. Listen to Professor Anders Vest Christiansen explain what's at risk - and how we can do more.

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