The outbreak of COVID-19 has claimed several lives across the world and normal life has come to a virtual standstill. The analysis by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) said the Covid-19 pandemic is disrupting global supply chains and international trade. With nearly 100 countries closing national borders during the past month, the movement of people and tourism flows have come to a screeching halt.

The lockdown due to the pandemic has disrupted the normal operations of pumps and pumping systems across commercial buildings and various industries. To ensure normal working of the pumps and pump systems after the lockdown period, Grundfos Service team recommends the best practices and standard start-up procedures.

For specific product I&O manuals, please visit Grundfos Product Centre:
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Download the PDF below to implement the best practices to ensure normal working of pumps

Pandemi COVID-19 telah merenggut beberapa nyawa di seluruh dunia dan menyebabkan kehidupan normal terhenti. Analisis oleh Departemen Urusan Ekonomi dan Sosial PBB (DESA) mengatakan pandemi Covid-19 telah mengganggu rantai pasokan global dan perdagangan internasional. Dengan hampir 100 negara menutup perbatasan nasional selama beberapa bulan terakhir, pergerakan orang dan arus pariwisata terhenti.

Pembatasan bersekala besar karena pandemi telah mengganggu operasi normal pompa dan sistem pemompaan di bangunan komersial dan berbagai industri. Untuk memastikan pompa dan sistem pompa berfungsi normal setelah periode penguncian, tim Layanan Grundfos merekomendasikan praktik terbaik dan prosedur memulai standar.

Untuk manual I&O produk tertentu, silakan kunjungi Pusat Produk Grundfos:
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Unduh PDF di atas untuk melihat cara terbaik memastikan pompa bekerja dengan normal.