Children's book to help little ones through crisis
The rabbit Milton is extra fond of his cozy cave during this time. After all, everyone must stay home most of the time. "There is an infectious virus right now that is affecting many people around the world," he explains in the book "Milton and the Invisible Coronavirus".
The publication is supported by Grundfos funds, and is already being used in the Danish primary school's smallest classes to alleviate concerns and explain the corona situation for children aged 5-8.
- We will use Milton’s world as a starting point to create security around the situation that is currently paralyzing the entire world population. We are therefore extremely proud and grateful that Grundfos, with Mads Nipper at the forefront, has already chosen to support the initiative, according to a press release from the publishers Milton Around The World.
The purpose of the book and its associated teaching material is in an educational and non-frightening way to explain to children what corona is and why we should be careful about hygiene and contact with others.
- This is exactly where Milton can help. By creating a single story that targets the 5 to 8-year-olds, we will explain in a fact-based and safe way what the corona is, how and why we should look out for each other. Of course, with rabbit Milton taking centre stage as a fun-loving character, explains Milton Around The World.