In 2016, we wanted to understand where and how we impact the UN Sustainable Development Goals and at the same time identify the SDG market opportunities. Starting out with SDG 6 as the backbone of our commitment, we mapped the SDGs across our four means of change to define those most material to us, in terms of impact and opportunity.
Our high-efficiency circulator pumps saved an estimated 5.5 billion kWh last year – or the equivalent of the annual electricity needs of 3.4 million EU inhabitants.
Looking forward, we want to improve our data collection to better understand our results and target our efforts towards the best and greatest impact. We must act but we must also measure. This will be a strong priority in the years to come.
Highlights from the report
Need more information?
Mads Klougart Jakobsen
Press officer for Denmark and Europe
Mobile phone: (+45) 5234 2899
E-mail: mjakobsen@grundfos.com