Creating impact on the water and energy agenda

Through our memberships in numerous national, regional and global organisations, we’re actively engaged in discussing and improving solutions on water and climate issues across the globe. Together, we believe we can broaden our knowledge and accelerate our positive impact, both as trusted partners for political stakeholders, and as a leading, trusted voice in society.

Explore some of our key memberships in the water and energy agenda below.

Euroheat & Power

As a partner company and board member of Euroheat & Power, we’re part of a unique network of district energy organisations and professionals, connecting industry players, decision-makers and academia in a joint effort to drive forward sustainable heating and cooling. 
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Europump, the European Association of Pump Manufacturers, represents more than 450 companies and 16 national associations, including Grundfos. As a council member, we’re actively supporting Europump in their role as the leading voice of the European pump industry and strengthening its contribution to society. 
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European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE)

Through our board membership in EuroACE, we’re working together with the European institutions to help Europe move towards an efficient use of energy in buildings, thereby contributing to the EU’s commitments on job creation, energy security and sustainability. 
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Global Business Alliance (GBA)

As member of the GBA, we’re actively working for an open economy that welcomes international companies to invest in America. GBA has grown to represent more than 200 major international companies with significant US operations that provide over seven million high-quality jobs in the US. 
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Water Europe (WE)

WE is a member-based platform initiated by the European Commission in 2004. Since then, the membership and activities have grown and evolved in line with their ambition to represent the whole value chain of water and achieve a European Water-Smart Society. 
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European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)

The EHPA represents the majority of the European heat pump industry, including Grundfos. Its key goal is to promote awareness and proper deployment of heat pump technology in the European market for residential, commercial and industrial applications. 
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European Heating Industry

The European Heating Industry brings together companies that are leaders in the production of efficient heating systems. As a member, Grundfos support their key goal of promoting efficient, smart and renewable heating solutions across Europe. 
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American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)

ACEEE is a non-profit research organisation developing transformative policies to reduce energy waste and combat climate change. Its aim is to build a vibrant and equitable economy that uses energy more productively, reduces costs, protects the environment, and promotes the health, safety, and well-being of everyone. 
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