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Intelligent Grundfos H2S Solution removes odour and reduces costs

The intelligent Grundfos hydrogen sulphide solution ensures H2S removal, ensuring effective hydrogen sulphide control in wastewater collection systems.

The intelligent Grundfos hydrogen sulphide solution is welcome news as H2S is a growing problem for utility companies. In many countries, recent trends in wastewater management prolong retention times in sewage pipes. Longer retention times lead to increased hydrogen sulphide formation, and therefore more problems with odor and corrosion for the utility companies. Through a combination of onsite measurement, real-time communication and control, and accurate dosing, the Grundfos solution removes the problem.

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Watch the video and hear about the Danish utility company Mariagerfjord Vand, who received customer complaints over H2S odours daily. Using the Grundfos solution, H2S levels were measured in manholes and the chemical dosage automatically adjusted to actual operating conditions. The result was continuously efficient H2S removal, no odour and corrosion issues, improved working environment for sewage staff, and significant operational savings. In fact, Mariagerfjord Vand cut consumption of water treatment chemicals by 70 % in the affected area.

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