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Stay up to date with news from Grundfos

Below you will find examples of news and tools which you can expect to receive when you sign up for Grundfos for Distributors. - Easy to integrate in your own sales and marketing efforts.

Help your customers choose the right booster

Your customers work with a wide variety of applications and come across new challenges every day. You can help them find the best pump they need for their job at hand. In our domestic water booster selection guide, you’ll get a quick and easy overview of Grundfos boosters and the applications they’re best suited for. Download the selection guide now and take your customer service to another level. 

Say hello to the newest member of the Grundfos SCALA family – SCALA1

Easy installation and commissioning is what your customers get with the brand new SCALA1. The pressure booster is designed for domestic and light commercial applications such as garden irrigation or pressure boosting to one- and two-family houses and apartments. 

Get a better online presence and boost your sales

Download free marketing material from Grundfos and use it to boost your own marketing activities. You can get easy access to all available elements such as photos, videos, web banners etc.  Download your free elements already today.

MyGrundfos is a 24/7 self-service tool allowing you to find instant information on prices, availability, order status, track & trace and more. It is so quick and easy to use that you can even use it when servicing your customers on the phone.

Simple tips and tricks to upgrade your website

Together with a recognized digital agency, Grundfos has produced a webguide aiming at boosting your business.
You will learn how you, with small adjustments, can be more attractive to your audience and drive more traffic to your website. With more customers visiting your website, the chance to get more business is higher.
Sign up for Grundfos for Distributors and get the webguide.

Access downloadable marketing material such as videos, photos and unique selling points to support your business.