How to reduce the risk of biological contamination in cooling towers

Listen to the audio whitepaper about our approach to decentralised water treatment to reduce the risk of biological contamination in cooling towers. This kind of solution can reduce operating costs and save water, in addition to minimising biological regrowth.

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32 - Teollisuuden vedenkäsittely

Tässä osiossa kerrotaan yleisesti vedenkäsittelystä teollisissa prosesseissa ja tutustutaan tarkemmin prosessin eri vaiheisiin.

4 moduuleja
  • Edistyneille

29 - Introduction to temperature control

This course will give a quick introduction to temperature control systems, including how to optimise and what to be aware of when designing a system.

5 moduuleja
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68 - The Industrial Pump Solutions Course

Many people think of Grundfos as a utility pump provider, but we are so much more than that. This course introduces you to the many areas within the industry segment for which Grundfos offers solutions and support.

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  • Perustiedot

55 - Extranet-käyttöohje – Grundfos-verkkokauppa

Näistä oppaista saat ohjeet Grundfos-verkkokaupan käyttöön. Verkkokaupasta tilaat helposti ja nopeasti kaikki tarvitsemasi tuotteet ja tehostat työtäsi.