8 kysymykset Edistyneille


29 - Introduction to temperature control

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Kysymys 1 näistä 8 Edistyneille

What is the ratio between the capital investment and running costs of a temperature control system?

Kysymys 4 näistä 8 Edistyneille

Which component is often ‘the weakest link’ in centrifugal pumps?

Kysymys 5 näistä 8 Edistyneille

How do you prevent pumps from malfunctioning when transporting hot water with a temperature of well above 120C°?

Kysymys 6 näistä 8 Edistyneille

How high is the suction lift of the self-priming CM pump?

Kysymys 8 näistä 8 Edistyneille

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Q: What is the ratio between the capital investment and running costs of a temperature control system?
A: 1:20
Q: Why does a cooling system that uses propylene glycol as coolant demand pumps with oversized motors?
A: The viscosity and density of propylene glycol is higher than tap water.
Q: What is the most efficient and simple way of controlling heating, cooling and refrigeration systems?
A: Intelligent pumps equipped with temperature sensors that measure the outlet temperature and signal the pump to regulate its flow accordingly – without the use of valves.
Q: Which component is often ‘the weakest link’ in centrifugal pumps?
A: Shaft seal
Q: How do you prevent pumps from malfunctioning when transporting hot water with a temperature of well above 120C°?
A: Equip the pump with double-shaft seals or air-cooled top.
Q: How high is the suction lift of the self-priming CM pump?
A: Up to 8 metres
Q: Which load profile will benefit the most from a demand driven control system?
A: Low flow rate with relatively few peak periods during the day.
Q: Which temperature control systems hold the greatest potential for optimisation?
A: Three way valve Regulated temperature control systems that adapts operation according to the load.