Enkel innregulering med ALPHA Reader og GO Balance-appen

Lær hvordan du foretar innregulering av to-rørs radiatorsystemer enklere enn noensinne med GO Balance-appen ved å bruke ALPHA Reader med ALPHA2-pumpen.

Denne Ecademy-oppgaven introduserer deg for ALPHA Reader og GO Balance-appen og forklarer hvordan du bruker disse i kombinasjon med ALPHA2  sirkulasjonspumpe for å gjøre innregulering av to-rørs radiatorsystemer enklere.  

This is how it works. 

The ALPHA Reader features a built-in light sensor, which reads out data from the pump and transmits them to a mobile device.

Slå ganske enkelt på Readeren ved å trykke på knappen foran. Aktiver deretter “innreguleringsmodus” og klikk på Readeren foran på ALPHA2.

Now, access the Grundfos GO Balance app on your smart phone or tablet. The app can be downloaded free of charge from App Store or Google Play. 

The user-friendly app will guide you through the balancing process, making sure you complete every step successfully. 

First you add all relevant data and conduct measurements for each radiator in the house.

The real time flow data transmitted from the ALPHA Reader are automatically calculated in the Grundfos GO Balance app,allowing you to subsequently adjust each radiator accordingly to achieve perfect balance in the system. In no time and with very little effort. 

In fact, balancing of all radiators in a one-family home can be completed in less than two hours, saving you both time and money. 

Once the system is balanced, a report will automatically be generated as documentation and can be emailed or printed directly from the app. 

Now, all that is left to do is disconnect the ALPHA Reader and move on to the next job.


Moduler: 5
Gjennomføringstid: 30 minutter
Vanskelighetsnivå: Middels