Why distributed pumping solutions are increasing in popularity

Listen to the audio whitepaper about how Grundfos applies distributed pumping solutions for air conditioning in commercial buildings to increase end-user comfort and save over 50% energy use.

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6 modules
  • Intermediate

46 - Distributed Pumping in Data Centers

This course will give you a thorough understanding of Distributed Pumping in data centers, covering what data centers are, how Distributed Pumping works within them, and the potential energy-saving benefits.

8 modules
  • Intermediate

101 - Advanced selection in GPC

In this course, you will be introduced to how to scale and customize columns, size by Family and Design, customize sizing settings and resultgrid, the group variants and how to add and compare products. Also, you will be presented for one of the primary selection flows in the Advanced Selection.

3 modules
  • Intermediate

22 - Solar Pumping Systems

This course will help you understand the basics of solar water pumping systems and the applications in which they can be used, the advantages of selected solar-powered Grundfos pumps, and an insight into the sizing and selection process of a solar pump in the Grundfos Product Center.