6 questions Intermediate


84 - Adding value in HVAC applications

This course test contains 6 questions and can be retaken at any time.

You must answer all questions correctly to pass the test and complete the course.

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Question 5 of 6 Intermediate

What component does a Grundfos distributed pumping solution make redundant?

Question 6 of 6 Intermediate

Do you know how much energy in a commercial building is consumed by a HVAC system?

Question 6 of 6 Intermediate

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Q: A distributed pumping system is self-balancing – what does this mean?
A: No time-consuming balancing and commissioning process is required
Q: Do Grundfos Modular HVAC systems reduce the HVAC system footprint?
A: Yes, benefits come from ensuring maximum profitability of rentable square meters as well as reducing complexity and time spent on selecting and sizing
Q: Why is installing a Grundfos MIXIT mixing loop solution a good idea?
A: You reduce complexity and time spent on selecting and sizing and MIXIT is up to 25% more cost effective than other solutions
Q: Why is limited space for HVAC installations an issue for building projects?
A: If too little space is used, you have high operation and service costs; and using too much space reduces the floor area that can be rented out
Q: What component does a Grundfos distributed pumping solution make redundant?
A: Balancing and control valves
Q: Do you know how much energy in a commercial building is consumed by a HVAC system?
A: On average 30-40%