We serve you all

From installers to distributors, engineers to system builders, facility managers to operations managers, technical directors to contractors, and service providers to homeowners.

No matter who you are, every single one of your projects is unique. However, one thing unites you: you want state-of-the-art solutions that you can rely on. That’s why we take the time to understand your specific requirements, and then work with you to plan the most efficient way to meet them. Dependable and reliable solutions. Dependable and reliable partners. 

Organised according to your needs

To bring ourselves closer to our vast range of customers and end users, become simpler to do business with and allow us to innovate faster, we’re organised into four globally operating divisions.

Customer Experience Management

It almost goes without saying that making our customers satisfied is one of our top priorities. After all, your satisfaction is one of our six strategic KPIs. We continually measure customer experience and satisfaction to understand what’s going well, and what we can improve to meet your needs. To do this, we run two global customer experience management programmes:  Customer Pulse and ECSS (External Customer Satisfaction Survey).

For both programmes, we closely monitored results to thoroughly understand customer pain points, identify their root causes and make follow-up and improvement initiatives both at a specific and general level.  

Customer Pulse 

We introduced the Customer Pulse initiative in 2018 to be able to react faster and improve specific interactions throughout the customer journey. Sales and service visits, quotations, information requests, Grundfos Product Center or the Extranet (purchasing portal) are examples of touchpoints where we gather instant customer feedback and measure either ‘overall customer satisfaction’ or ‘ease of doing business with’. 

The annual relationship survey – ECSS

For over 30 years, our annual External Customer Satisfaction Survey (ECSS) gathers feedback on key processes and understands what drives customer loyalty and satisfaction.