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Ecademy test

83 - SPE submersible pump

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By how much is the motor efficiency increased with a MS6000P permanent magnet motor compared to a standard asynchronous motor?

Otázka 2 z 4 Středně pokročilý

Under which conditions is it beneficial to use a permanent magnet motor?

Otázka 3 z 4 Středně pokročilý

Using a sine wave filter is beneficial in order to?

Otázka 4 z 4 Středně pokročilý

Compared to the MS6000, the permanent magnet MS6000P can be used for media temperatures up to:

Otázka 4 z 4 Středně pokročilý

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Q: By how much is the motor efficiency increased with a MS6000P permanent magnet motor compared to a standard asynchronous motor?
A: 10%
Q: Under which conditions is it beneficial to use a permanent magnet motor?
A: In applications where pumps operate many hours every day with a varying demand
Q: Using a sine wave filter is beneficial in order to?
A: Increase motor lifetime
Q: Compared to the MS6000, the permanent magnet MS6000P can be used for media temperatures up to:
A: 60 C