4 otázek Základní

Ecademy test

The Industrial Pump Solutions Course

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Otázka 3 z 4 Základní

What can features such as automation, remote monitoring and predictive maintenance help you reduce?

Otázka 4 z 4 Základní

By how much is the energy demand expected to increase by 2030?

Otázka 4 z 4 Základní

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Q: What is predictive maintenance?
A: An intelligent method which allows you to plan maintenance before it is too late
Q: Why does an integrated system have lower maintenance needs?
A: It has fewer breakable parts
Q: What can features such as automation, remote monitoring and predictive maintenance help you reduce?
A: Downtime
Q: By how much is the energy demand expected to increase by 2030?
A: 35%