Dažniausiai pasitaikančios buitinių nuotekų problemos, susijusios su vandens siurbimu

Kritinės problemos, susijusios su buitinių nuotekų siurbimu, ir kaip jas spręsti naudojantis „Grundfos“ sprendimais.

In this module, you’ll gain an overview of three common domestic wastewater issues related to moving water:
- Flooding caused by insufficient removal of wastewater
- Pumping wastewater horizontally over long distances
- Time consuming to move water
You’ll learn about their causes and impacts, and how to solve them with Grundfos solutions.
Let’s get started.

We’ll begin with flooding caused by insufficient removal of wastewater.
When a flood occurs in a home, residents risk losing their property and belongings. They face the possibility of relocating if renovations need to be carried out… and must handle the financial aspects of dealing with a flooded home.

They may even find their insurance company refuses to cover losses and damages. To help solve and prevent these issues, it’s important to understand the most common root causes of flooding.
Incorrect installations often lead to ineffective wastewater systems, which are prone to floods.
If there is no backflow prevention valve between the house and the sewer system, wastewater can flow back from overloaded sewer mains into the house and flood basements with grey- or blackwater.

Incorrectly dimensioned rainwater collecting systems typically cannot handle high volumes at heavy rainfall. It’s important to connect any roof drainage to a pit to avoid surface flooding. Undersized pumps are unable to handle heavy rainfall.
Mixed systems which handle both rainwater and blackwater are more prone to backflow problems.
In houses with basements, a lack of drainage around or under the house may lead to flooding in the basement.

Lack of maintenance can cause existing pumps to fail, which can lead to flooding.

Broken or blocked float switches are the most common causes for failure.
To ensure your customers are protected from flooding and have an effective wastewater system installed, the following Grundfos solutions are recommended:

The SOLOLIFT2 portfolio consists of small lifting stations ideal for protecting against greywater and blackwater backflow.

The MULTILIFT lifting station portfolio is designed for dewatering in single-family and multi-family homes and commercial applications.

UNOLIFT and DUOLIFT solutions can also be used to dewater buildings. For greywater, you can use UNILIFT CC, KP and AP35B. For blackwater, you can use the UNILIFT AP50B or the UNILIFT APG (grinder pump).

For both underfloor and on-floor installations inside buildings, LIFTAWAY B and C collecting tanks can be used. LIFTAWAY B is for underfloor and LIFTAWAY C for on-floor installations. For greywater removal, you can use UNILIFT CC, KP and AP12. If flooding occurs, the MULTIBOX with UNILIFT CC is a great tool to remove unwanted water.

Installing any one of those solutions can help residents:
* Reduce the risk of a flood occurring
* Avoid expensive costs to clean and repair after flooding
* Save money on replacing personal property

We’ll now move on and explore our next common domestic wastewater issue: pumping wastewater horizontally over long distances. It can be a complicated process to connect domestic wastewater outlets to public sewage systems due to insufficient gravity. Homeowners need collection tanks and suitable pumps to effectively pump wastewater to the public sewer. For pumping wastewater over longer distances, a grinder pump is recommended. It is designed to handle horizontal pumping with ease by using professional grinder technology to prevent blockages. The pump grinds wastewater and toilet waste into small particles which allows for smaller discharge pipe diameters down to 32 mm. Thanks to a semi-open impeller, these pumps can create a high head which can pump wastewater over longer distances.

UNILIFT APG is the ideal solution for wastewater handling in one- or two-family houses. Grundfos SEG is ideal for handling wastewater in apartment buildings. Installing any one of those solutions can help residents:

* Save on piping costs as smaller pipe dimensions with fewer connections can be installed
* Save on installation costs as piping does not need to be dug deep into the ground, but can be plowed down instead
* Avoid penalty charges for no or incorrect installation.

We’ll now move on and explore the final common domestic wastewater issue of this module:
Time consuming to move water

Emptying pools and garden basins or carrying out maintenance work on garden ponds and fountains can be time-consuming jobs. Excess surface water or outdoor flooding can also be difficult and slow to remove.

The cause of these challenges often stems from: Not carrying out regular maintenance work on garden pools, fountains and fishponds. Heavy rainfall. High ground water levels.

For the quick removal of unwanted wastewater, we recommend the following Grundfos solutions:
UNILIFT CC. This solution removes water down to 3 mm and is easily transportable.
MULTIBOX is an all-in-one solution with pump, hose and connections needed for easy removal of water.
UNILIFT KP is a compact stainless-steel submersible pump designed for pumping non-aggressive water and greywater.

Installing any one of those solutions can help residents:
* Save time on emptying pools, ponds and basins
* Remove excess surface water or outdoor flooding
* Minimise damages on lawns and gardens by rapidly removing water

That concludes our module on common domestic wastewater issues related to moving water. Thanks for watching.

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Moduliai: 3
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Užbaigimo laikas: 20 minutės
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