Kaip mes įtakojame vandens ciklą?

Vandens ciklas ir apskritai vanduo yra tai, kas leidžia gyvybei egzistuoti. Tačiau mūsų veiksmai vis labiau veikia vandens apytaką. Paklausykite, kaip profesorius Søren Rud Keiding aptarė vandens ciklo svarbą.

The water cycle and water in general is what makes life possible.
So if we disturb the water cycle, we make life more difficult. There's water stress, there's urbanisation, there are climate changes. All these factors impact the water cycle and thereby impact people's lives. So what motivates Grundfos and scientists all over the world is to find ways to ensure a sustainable use of water particularly in those areas where we experience water stress.

So, again, the ability to move water and to protect water is very, very important in our efforts to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The interesting thing for me is to understand how do we best protect the water resources we have and how do we also find water?

Because there's actually a lot of water available but it's not always available in the forms where we can use them as needed. 70% of the surface of the Earth is covered with water. 98% of that water is salt water and only 2% is thus fresh water. And of those 2% 1.5% is in the ice cores on the North and the South Poles.
Only 0.5% is fresh water as groundwater, as surface water. 700 million people roughly 10% of the world's population, a little less than 10% are living in areas with water stress where we have water scarcity.

If we don't act now just in the coming ten years, we expect that number to rise.
And in a few years, we might end up in a situation where two thirds of the Earth's population are living in areas with water stress. Water came to Earth 4.5 billion years ago but scientists still debate whether the Earth was formed dry
or it was formed wet. The dry Earth was formed by rocks colliding and collecting to become the Earth and then later on, comets came to us and they carried ice
and the ice melted and formed the oceans we see now. Others believe that the Earth was formed wet in the sense that all these rocks that were collected they actually contained water, and when the Earth was formed water was released and we have the ocean. Anyway, just a few hundred million years which on this timescale is actually pretty quick the first life started.

So life and water actually started more or less at the same time 4.5 billion years ago here on Earth.

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