Log in to ECADEMY to track your progress

Log in with your GRUNDFOS ACCOUNT to get the best ECADEMY experience. When logged in, you can track your progress and earn badges and certificates when completing the courses available.

Recently added courses

Take a look at some of our recently added courses

2 modules
  • Intermediate

42 - The Grundfos CMBE Twin booster system

This course will provide you with a thorough introduction to the Grundfos CMBE booster system, giving you a comprehensive walkthrough of the many advantages that it brings.

5 modules
  • Basic

78 - Sizing your pumps in GPC

This course explains how Grundfos product Center makes otherwise very time-consuming processes like pump sizing and selection simple and fast, whether as a quick sizing based on application, design or pump family, sizing a specific application area such as renewables, or using your own evaluation criteria.

3 modules
  • Intermediate

73 - Experts on Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Join two experts as they take you through the challenges in industrial wastewater treatment and just how important it is to reuse water in industry.

MyECADEMY stores your course history and achievements

Sign in with your Grundfos account to get the best ECADEMY experience. With MyECADEMY, you can track your own training progress and get an overview of your badges and certificates. Just sign in and enjoy full access to your ECADEMY learning journey.