Grundfos SCALA2 works well under pressure
This makes the SCALA2 the perfect choice for a range of domestic applications as well as boosting from roof tanks, break tanks, ground tanks, and rainwater tanks. It can be used with a break tank to boost pressure into a combi boiler or unvented cylinder system. The SCALA2s suction lift performance enables the break tank to be located up to 8 metres below the pump location, this includes boosting from wells.
These sets also offer great value for money and with a noise level of 47 dB(A) in typical use, the SCALA2 is one of the quietest boosters in its class and just one variant is suitable for all domestic applications.
This great little booster package is a real winner, as it already proved by picking up multiple awards since its launch. So, when you need additional pressure boosting, choose the Grundfos SCALA2, the booster set that is sure to deliver.
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