Unlock new energy possibilities
Join the next energy movement
Today, HVAC and water systems in buildings account for 40% of the world’s energy use. To succeed with the green energy transition, we need to radically reduce energy consumption in buildings and improve energy efficiency at scale. Let’s Explore NEXT!
The challenges we face
Energy prices are rising. We urgently need to fight climate change. And one of the biggest opportunities to tackle both issues can be found in the buildings we live, work and spend most of our time in. Here are some of the most crucial challenges we face – and we need your help to solve them.
Calling all explorers!
Are you an installer or engineer? Join us in the next energy movement and let’s change the way HVAC and water systems are designed, installed and operated.
Let’s unlock new energy possibilities!
Innovation coming up
Stay updated to learn more about the innovative solutions and prototypes that can help us unlock new energy possibilities and save 53.5TWh energy by 2030.
Sign up to join the Explore NEXT movement! Share your knowledge and experience and help us develop new innovative solutions that can improve energy efficiency. Let’s explore NEXT.