Pump system upgrade enhances energy efficiency
The Situation
One of the premier management institute in Ahmedabad was facing an issue of inadequate water flow during peak hours. This aged water booster system with end suction pumps posed repeated maintenance issues resulting in a higher OPEX. Further the system was manually controlled resulting in loss of water in the system during critical peak hours of requirement.
The Solution
The overhead tank water distribution system used by the campus was outdated, consuming a huge amount of energy. And with this gravity feed system, line pressure to the tap points were not constant posing an uncomfortable user experience.
Grundfos pump audit team suggested to upgrade the gravity feed system into a pressurized water supply system eliminating the 100 kilo litres of water tank. Old system with end suction pumps where replaced with Grundfos Hydro MPC-E booster system with three smaller, high efficiency CRE range of pumps coupled with IE5 level of efficiency motors.
“We chose Hydro MPC– E booster system as it offers a compact, all-in-one solution to efficiently manage the intermittent demand while also minimizing the energy consumption” says Amit Sahu, Sales head, CBS INDO (North-East & West region), “The Hydro MPC-E gives the system intelligent control, as each of the three pumps can be the controlling unit, while also providing full redundancy in the system in case of failure.”
"The Hydro MPC-E gives the system intelligent control, as each of the three pumps can be the controlling unit, while also providing full redundancy in the system in case of failure."
Amit Sahu, Sales head, CBS INDO (North-East & West region)
The Outcome
With the new Hydro MPC-E booster system, the installed kW of the water supply system in the campus was reduced by up to 40%. Also, the updated system delivered a constant pressure at all consumption points without drop in pressure and everything was fully automated based on line pressure eliminating the need for any manual intervention.
Grundfos Supplied
- CRE 15-3kW
- Hydro booster system with IE5 efficiency motors
Hydro MPC-E