
A green new normal

C40 cities have launched a detailed agenda, outlining specific measures necessary for a green recovery from COVID-19. Mads Nipper was invited to share his perspectives on how to create a sustainable future.

July 15 2020, C40 mayors released an agenda for delivering a sustainable and equitable recovery in the world’s cities. The ‘C40 Mayors Agenda for a Green and Just Recovery’ outlines bold steps to deliver an equitable and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and includes specific measures, already being delivered in many cities around the world, which must become the ‘new normal’ to contain and better prepare for future pandemics, address systemic injustices and keep global heating below the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.

Amongst the measures championed by mayors today include green job creation programmes; increased rights and support for all workers whose efforts proved essential during the COVID-19 crisis; investments in green industries such as guaranteed access to resilient public services, particularly for the most vulnerable; building retrofit programmes; investing in safe and reliable mass transit, and new protected spaces for pedestrians and cyclists.

Recognising that delivering an equitable, low carbon recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will require a global effort, C40 Cities and their allies have also called on national governments to support their efforts. C40 mayors are clear:

“Nations must seize this moment to decisively move away from investments in high carbon and fossil fuel intensive industries and increase investments in a low carbon future.”

Fully supporting the agenda
This vision of a green and equitable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis was immediately welcomed by leaders and activists around the world. Grundfos CEO, Mads Nipper was invited to share his perspective on how to build a better, more sustainable and fairer society out of the COVID-19 crisis.

“Grundfos fully supports the C40’s Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force's ambition to seize the moment by phasing out fossil fuels and carbon industries and instead investing in the fundamental public services that we know are crucial to the health of both the planet and its peoples,” says Mads Nipper, and he adds:

“Clean water is a precondition for hygiene, healthy lives and nearly all economic activity, and investments in the water sector can provide high quality, green jobs to spur the economic recovery. We call on the international community to help us create a new normal that is greener, more resilient, healthier and fairer.” 


Need more information?

Mads Klougart Jakobsen
Press officer for Denmark and Europe

Mobile phone: (+45) 5234 2899

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