
Grundfos iGRID wins prestigious climate award at German Innovation Awards

Grundfos iGRID has received the German Innovation Award in the category “Klima & Umwelt” (Climate & Environment).

Grundfos iGrid won the climate award at German Innovation Awards on 16 May because it can be essential in the green energy transition. It lowers the temperatures in district heating zones to match the exact consumer demands. This opens for effective utilisation of more surplus energy sources that would be otherwise wasted.

"Having the German Climate Ministry and a respected technological institute like Fraunhofer choose us for this award really underlines that we are exactly on the right track with iGRID and that our efforts will pay off", says Carsten Østergård Pedersen, Business Development Director, Grundfos and continues:  "This a super important award for GRUNDFOS and not least the climate".

Getting rid of gas and other fossil fuels and harvesting the surplus energy from industry processes and buildings is essential to reach the climate ambitions in Europe. Also, heat losses in the grids are instantly removed, which alone will reduce carbon emissions and pay for the investment.

About Grundfos iGrid

Grundfos iGRID solutions optimise and control temperatures in District Heating systems according to real demand. Dividing a grid into demand driven zones and providing real time data helps reducing heat losses, improves grid capacity, customer comfort and enables use of renewable energy sources.

Thomas Gierlich, Sales Development Manager, and Carsten Østergård Pedersen, Business Development Director

Need more information?

Mads Klougart Jakobsen
Press officer for Denmark and Europe

Mobile phone: (+45) 5234 2899

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