
Grundfos reduces electricity consumption

A large pile of old pumps and motors lie on the floor in the basement of the UP factory in Bjerringbro. This is the resting place for pumps and motors which have not passed the critical eyes of the examiners.

- We put them here to show how many pumps and motors are actually involved, says Mogens Olsen, Environment Coordinator and the man behind the mapping and replacement activities for a number of GBJ’s factories.

30 years – and still going strong

Great attention to detail is required when examining the condition of the pumps and motors, as all pumps need to be checked in order to determine whether a replacement is required. And the situation is not always clear, not even with the old pumps:

- Some of the pumps we are currently replacing have been running for 30 years – and as they are Grundfos pumps, they are still running without any problems. But they may be over-dimensioned or not as energy-efficient as the modern alternatives. With some pumps it is actually possible to reduce the energy consumption by more than 50 per cent, says Mogens Olsen.

No fixed deadline

The mapping and replacement activities were launched in February 2009 at a General Managers’ Meeting and no fixed deadline has been set. This is mainly in response to the external demand for Grundfos pumps and motors.

- We could easily commandeer the majority of motors produced in Grundfos Hungary for a while, but we also need to consider our customers, says Mogens Olsen with a smile.