
Mirjam Baijens joins Grundfos as Chief Human Resource Officer

Today, Grundfos announces the appointment of Mirjam Baijens as Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO). The new Group Management team member assumes her role on 1 May 2022.

Bjerringbro, Denmark, February 14, 2022: Mirjam Baijens comes with more than 20 years of experience in global corporations across a range of sectors, including technology, packaging, and industrial manufacturing - and family ownership.

She comes from a position as the Global Head of Talent and Development for the Schindler Group, the Swiss multinational elevator manufactory/service provider, employing more than 65.000 people worldwide.

“Mirjam is a true global executive. She comes with a very strong track record from large global companies such as the Schindler Group and HP and has lived and worked in the US, Canada and Europe,” said CEO Poul Due Jensen. “She has the experience and skills that I believe will make Grundfos an even better place to work and support the organisation to learn and grow.”

“I am very excited about the opportunity to join Grundfos. A truly people focused global company with strong values and a fantastic purpose. I am really looking forward to getting started and getting to know the people who are driving the day-to-day success of this organisation,” said Mirjam Baijens.

Mirjam Baijens, who is Dutch, currently lives in Switzerland, but will relocate to Denmark where she will be based. She will assume her new role as CHRO on 1 May 2022.

Need more information?

Mads Klougart Jakobsen
Press officer for Denmark and Europe

Mobile phone: (+45) 5234 2899

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