Grundfos and utility company in promising co-operation
Russia’s leading heating supply company (MHSC) and Grundfos have signed a frame agreement with the aim of saving energy in the huge network of MHSC. Traditionally, district heating has been the predominant heat source in Eastern Europe and MSCH commands 16 combined heating and power plants. Included are no less than 6,000 district heating sub-stations and an impressive two-pipe system that comprises more than 2,400 km, which approx. equals the distance from Moscow to Paris.
- Significant savings – both economically and environmentally – are achievable in a network of this size. Based on our experience from similar projects in other cities, we know that energy efficiency improvements of minimum 50% are possible,” said Group Executive Vice President, Søren Ø. Sørensen.
Energy optimisation
A piping system of this length suffers from severe thermal loss and, combined with the high number of pumps in the network, this means great saving potential. The co-operation is based on a thorough and systematic technical check and analysis of MHSC’s district heating network. This is also known as Grundfos’ energy audit, which is an effective tool to scrutinise both plants and pumping systems.
- Thanks to the technological development and decades of experience we are able to pinpoint concrete saving areas end implement the right measures. Reducing thermal loss and adopting variable speed control on the pumps lower the energy consumption and the CO2 emission effectively, said Mr Sørensen, continuing:
- Moscow Heating Supply Company gets a modern and optimised network, the environment and citizens of Moscow benefit from less pollution and Grundfos will develop its business further in Russia. It is a clear win-win situation.
Important Russian market
If all parts of the agreement are realised, the project’s potential is in the region of 100 or 125 million Euro. Russia is today one of the largest markets for Grundfos. Having multiplied its turnover by twenty over the past 20 years, the company has experienced a strong growth rate on the Russian market. The turnover of Grundfos Russia in 2011 is expected to reach 200 million Euro.
- We are both proud and pleased to become Moscow Heating Supply Company’s close partner in this promising co-operation, and we look forward to contributing to the release of this project’s great potential, said Mr Sørensen.