Superior Seals are our Supplier of the Year
Grundfos’ recognition of outstanding suppliers continues with the Supplier of the Year 2019 going to Superior Seals
The company, which supplies Grundfos with seals as for instance O-rings used for our pumps, has gained high recommendation from Grundfos about key traits including their professionalism, collaborative mindset and top quality products, all factors weighing in to trigger the title of Supplier of the Year 2019.
“Everyone at Superior is extremely excited and honoured to have been awarded the prestigious Grundfos Supplier of the Year award 2019. It has given us great encouragement to continue striving to become an even better and more innovative partner to Grundfos in the future. Grundfos’ pioneering targets inspire us daily to aim high in our own plans for sustainability to meet Global climate challenges,” says Stuart Harding, Head of Customer Service at Superior Seals Ltd..
This dedication and rigour is both recognised and appreciated from the Grundfos team:
“When dealing with Superior their level of professionalism exceeds your expectations across all functions within the organisation. Superior have mirrored themselves on Grundfos and how they approach business is clear even when we are discussing commercial issue activities,” says Christopher Britton, Sourcing Manager in EMEA Purchasing at Grundfos.
Silvio Vanzo, Group Senior Vice President for Purchasing at Grundfos further elaborates:
“Superior Seals are always seeking to improve their products and services towards their customers. This is one of the reasons why, we are awarding them. This fits perfectly into our own way of thinking and it makes us further capable of supplying the best quality products to our customers, while they also through their sustainable efforts continuously support our sustainability ambitions with regards to our suppliers.”
Need more information?
Mads Klougart Jakobsen
Press officer for Denmark and Europe
Mobile phone: (+45) 5234 2899
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