Why replace an old lifting station or macerator?

If your customer already has their ideal home, they may find as time goes by that their pumps are no longer quite working the way they’d expect.

As they age, wastewater installations can start exhibiting some unwelcome issues. 

Your customers may find their lifting stations or macerators are increasingly prone to clogging, leakage, or foul odors. The pumps may become less efficient and louder as wear and tear sets in. Maintenance can be difficult, and messy.

If so, it’s time to consider a replacement. As an installer, you don’t have to choose a like-for-like replacement of the existing pump. Consider upgrading, instead – to SOLOLIFT2.

Our replacement hose, available as an accessory, makes it easy to replace an existing Grundfos pump as well as similar products from other brands. We also have adapters to make it easier to adjust to stiff piping and assist with replacement tasks. See the full list of accessories on our website, or in our SOLOLIFT2 Data booklet, (p.12).

Why upgrade to SOLOLIFT2?

Flexible, robust, and easy to install, SOLOLIFT2 is the ideal replacement. It modernises the existing lifting station or macerator installation, bringing with it many advantages over older systems:

  • Compact design. SOLOLIFT2 fits into existing spaces with ease.

  • Highly flexible. SOLOLIFT2 can be placed horizontally or vertically, and all inlets and discharge connections are adjustable for maximum flexibility. A range of accessories is also available for easier replacement and installation.

  • Clean and easy to maintain. The modular design means you can easily lift out the all-in-one motor & macerator for cleaning or maintenance – and you won’t have to get your hands dirty.

  • Robust and reliable. SOLOLIFT2 is built to last, with an integrated non-return valve and high-pressure tanks to avoid leaking, backflow, and nasty odors. The C-3 model is also built to stay resistant to hot water of up to 90°C.

  • Just five variants. It’s simpler to choose the right model, and the universal range also means fewer parts to stock, saving space, time and money.

How to choose the right replacement

The SOLOLIFT2 range consists of just five variants designed to handle almost any domestic application. Below, we have listed some older models of Grundfos SOLOLIFT lifting stations and macerators to help you choose a direct replacement.

SOLOLIFT2 is the ideal replacement for many similar products from other brands, and you don’t have to choose a like-for-like replacement, either. Simply choose your preferred SOLOLIFT2 model based on the type of wastewater being handled and the number of inlets you need. 

For more detailed sizing information, check out the SOLOLIFT2 Quick Selection Guide

Black water (toilet, bathroom)


Grey water (kitchen, utility room, bathroom excluding toilet)


*Sanitary appliances include urinals, washbasins, bidets and showers

**Appliances include dishwasher, washing machine, kitchen sink, bathtub and other sanitary appliances

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